3.5.0 (2011-08-09)
- New modules:
- "General information": shows internal data about accounts (e.g. creation time)
- "Quota": manage filesystem quota inside LDAP (Linux DiskQuota) (RFE 1811449)
- Personal: New attributes o, employeeNumber, initials
- Unix: Support to create home directories on multiple servers and also for existing user
- Server information shows data from cn=monitor
- Lots of small improvements
- LAM Pro:
- Automount: allow to create automount maps
- Password policy: allow to (un)lock accounts
- Fixed bugs:
- Owner attribute is multi-valued (3300727)
3.4.0 (2011-04-25)
- IMAP mailboxes:
- support to read user name from uid attribute
- added quota management
- Personal: added additional options for account profiles
- Mail aliases: sort receipients (RFE 3170336)
- Asterisk: support all attributes (can be disabled in configuration)
- Samba 3/Shadow: allow to sync expiration date (RFE 3147751)
- LAM Pro:
- support automount entries
- Zarafa groups: allow combination with group of names
- enhanced wildcards for custom scripts
- Group of (unique) names: allow members to be optional
- Fixed bugs:
- Renaming of default profile (3183920)
- Profile editor: fixed problems with multi select
3.3.0 (2011-02-12)
- additional usability enhancements
- new IMAP module ("Mailbox (imapAccess)") allows to create/delete user mailboxes
- PDF export: higher resolution for logos
- reduced number of LDAP queries
- fixed bugs:
- ignore comment lines in shells file (3107124)
- home directory creation on file upload
3.2.0 (2010-10-28)
- Large usability enhancements
- Shadow: allow to force password change when maximum password age is set
- DHCP: renamed module "Fixed IPs" to "Hosts", IP is now optional (3038797)
- PHP version 5.2.4 or higher required
- LAM Pro:
- Zarafa support (user, group, server)
- Password policy: allow to force password change (RFE 3026940)
- Password reset page: mail subject, text and from address can be set in server profile
- Self service: Asterisk (voicemail) password synchronisation
- Fixed bugs:
- Email check did not include "+" (3033605)
- Tab index on login page (3042622)
3.1.0 (2010-06-25)
- usability improvements
- Asterisk voicemail support
- new hosts module for user accounts to define valid login workstations (replaces inetOrgPerson schema hack) (2951116)
- PDF editor: descriptive fields
- lamdaemon:
- sudo entry needs to be changed to ".../lamdaemon.pl *"
- replaced PHP SSH2 with phpseclib
- LAM Pro
- custom scripts: new options to hide executed commands and define if output is HTML or plain text
- support sudo entry management (object class sudoRole)
- fixed bugs:
- Asterisk password handling (patch 2979728)
- Samba domain SID check (2994528)
- language selection at login (2996335)
3.0.0 (2010-03-24)
- support to remove extension from an existing account: shadowAccount, sambaSamAccount, eduPerson
- file upload: allow to select account modules for upload
- removed frames
- Unix: automatic user name generation from first and last name (2492675)
- LAM Pro:
- support OpenLDAP password policies (ppolicy)
- manage host IP addresses (ipHost)
- fixed bugs:
- Multi-delete not working (2931458)
- Samba: can/must change password needs to be read from domain policy (2919236)
- DNs which include "#" are not editable/deletable (2931461)
- fixed configure/Makefile
2.9.0 (2009-12-16)
- Asterisk support
- new tool: server information
- consolidated LAM documentation in new manual (docs/manual/index.html)
- DHCP: add host name to fixed IPs (RFE 2898948)
- LAM Pro:
- enabled custom scripts for self service
- support for nisObject object class
- fixed bugs:
- unable to edit accounts with DNs that contain spaces next to a comma (2889473)
- login method "LDAP search" has problems if LDAP server is down (2889414)
- filter in account lists did not support non-ASCII letters
- alias handling (2901248)
- DHCP range check (2903267)
2.8.0 (2009-10-28)
- ability to hide fields: inetOrgPerson, sambaSamAccount
- compatibility with PHP 5.3
- one central button to change passwords on account pages
- removed support for Samba 2 accounts
- removed lamdaemonOld script
2.7.0 (2009-08-05)
- LAM Pro: allow to execute custom scripts on create/modify/delete
- log client IP at login attempt
- added separate configuration option to enable/disable TLS encryption
- Samba 3: allow to disable LM hashes (on by default) (RFE 2657140)
- DHCP: added description field and reordered fixed IP input fields
- fixed bugs:
- added additional check for creating home directories (2798489)
- support memcache for session storage (2811505)
2.6.0 (2009-04-08)
- support NIS netgroups
- support EDU person accounts (RFE 1413731)
- Personal: support departmentNumber attribute
- DHCP: allow file upload
- added config option to search LAM login users in LDAP (RFE 2494249)
- help messages are displayed as tooltips
- LAM Pro
- add businessCategory to self service (RFE 2494246)
- allow to customize page headers and use custom CSS styles