2.5.0 (2009-01-21)
- LAM Pro
- supports rfc2307bis schema for Unix groups (RFE 2111694)
- added alias manangement (object classes alias + uidObject) (RFE 1912779)
- Shadow: module is now optional when creating new accounts
- Kolab:
- account extension is now optional
- can be used without Unix module
- self service uses no extra LDAP suffix but uses global setting
- several bugfixes
- added PDF support
- support multiple Netbios name servers (RFE 2180179)
- Samba 3:
- self service sets attribute "sambaPwdLastSet" on password change (LAM Pro)
- password timestamps can be updated on password reset page (LAM Pro)
- option to force password change on next login
- profile options for time when the user can/must change the password
2.4.0 (2008-10-15)
- added DHCP management (donated by Siedl networks GmbH)
- requires PHP 5.1.2
- MHash dependendy replaced by Hash
- save last selected server profile from login page
- lamdaemon
- separate installation package for Debian/Fedora/Suse
- allow to specify SSH port
- added Syslog logging
- Unix: added profile options for lamdaemon
- LAM Pro: password reset page is able to unlock Samba accounts and sets shadowLastChange
- fixed bugs:
- problems with DN containing "(" and ")" (2059740)
- problem with gecos field in file upload (2103936)
2.3.0 (2008-04-30)
- added Polish translation
- support phpGroupWare accounts
- password policies
- redesigned PDF editor
- show mail addresses as link in account list
- Unix: allow primary group members to be added as memberUid
- Kolab: support LAM Pro self service
- LAM Pro: new account type for groupOf(Unique)Names
- fixed bugs:
- XHTML headers should be removed (1912736)
2.2.0 (2008-01-23)
- account lists:
- allow to switch sorting
- added separate configuration page and store settings in cookies
- list size can now be set individually for each account type on the list configuration page
- new PDF buttons
- use suffix from account list as default for new accounts (patch 1823583)
- Security: passwords in configuration files are now saved as hash values
- improved design
- style fixes for Internet Explorer users
- Unix:
- allow to set host passwords (RFE 1754069)
- allow to generate random passwords for users
- Samba 3 groups: Samba part is now optional
- Personal: add object classes person and organizationalPerson for new accounts (RFE 1830033)
- new LDAP schema check on tests page
- LAM Pro:
- added possibility for deskside support to reset passwords at account list page
- access levels (read only, change passwords, write access) for server profiles
2.1.0 (2007-11-07)
- tabular design for account pages
- show DN on account pages
- Samba 3: made Samba account optional
- Samba 3: manages now terminal server settings
- fixed bugs:
- LAM Pro: UTF-8 characters are invalid displayed on configuration page (1788752)
- LAM works again on PHP 5.1.x (1792447)
- Quota: managing group quotas does not work (1811728)
- Samba 3 domains: lockout users after bad logon attempts must allow 0 - 999 (1814578)
2.0.0 (2007-08-08)
- new translations: Chinese (Simplified), Czech and Portuguese
- usability improvements
- LDAP accounts including child entries can now be moved
- group list can show primary members (RFE 1517679 and patch 1722460)
- more translated example texts (RFE 1702140)
- inetOrgPerson: now manages homePhone, roomNumber, businessCategory
- posixAccount: allow to create home directories in file upload (RFE 1665034)
- account lists: display buttons on top and bottom (RFE 1702136)
- fixed bugs:
- OU editor: help images (1702132)
- config editor: extra space (1702269)
- fixed some inconsistent help entries (1694863)
- user list: refreshing GID translation did not work (1719168)
- allow uid as RDN attribute for inetOrgPerson (1740499)
- PHP Warning: mcrypt_decrypt(): The IV parameter must be ... (1742543)
- uid attribute no longer required for InetOrgPerson (1757215)
1.3.0 (2007-03-28)
- improved design
- user list can now display jpegPhoto attributes
- lamdaemon: support for multiple servers
- LAM Pro: users may change their photos (jpegPhoto)
- fixed bugs:
- ShadowAccount: PDF entry for expire date was wrong (1658868)
- Samba groups: fixed help entry (patch 1664542)
- Debian package did not include lamdaemonOld.pl (1660493)
- NIS mail aliases: allow more characters in alias name (1674198)
- fixed syntax errors in some .htaccess files
- security fix: HTML special characters in LDAP data were not escaped
1.2.0 (2007-01-24)
- Samba 3: better handling of date values
- Samba 3: Handling of locked accounts (RFE 1609076)
- LAM Pro: modules can define configuration settings (Unix: password hashing)
- LAM Pro: management of groupOfNames and groupOfUniqueNames entries (RFE 875482)
- fixed bugs:
- Lamdaemon test did not work on PHP 4
- InetOrgPerson: Problems with error messages (1628799)
1.1.1 (2006-11-01)
- Lamdaemon: added test page (Tools -> Tests -> Lamdaemon test)
- LAM Pro: Samba passwords can now be synchronized with Unix password
- Shadow account: better management of expiration date
- fixed bugs:
- Unix: password hashing problem (1562426)
- Unix: No error message for wrong UID numbers in file upload
- Filters in account lists get lost when sorting the table
1.1.0 (2006-09-20)
- Lamdaemon now uses the SSH implementation from PECL which is much more stable
- Samba 2/3: "Use Unix password" now on by default (1517678)